17 research outputs found

    Comparison of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Performances in Various Network Topologies

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    VoIP is a digital communication technology that is currently developing because VoIP can be implemented on several network topologies, such as bus, star, and ring. Each of these topologies has advantages and disadvantages. So, a study is required to find out in which topology can VoIP be implemented optimally. In this research, VoIP is implemented in several topologies and furthermore the performance measurements are carried out for each topology. VQ manager is installed in order to measure the VoIP performance. For the server, we used Elastix and for the node implementation network topologies, we use several access points. From the results of the research, the performance of VoIP implemented in the star topology produces QoS that is better than other topologies with a delay value of 185 ms, 18 ms jitter, and 1% packet loss. This happens because in the star topology, all packets are distributed centrally. It is expected that the results of this research can be used as a reference in the application of VoIP technology in several types of topologies

    Laravel-Based Web Application for Alumni Books

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    Alumni are an inseparable unit in the world of education. Alumni have a close relationship with the annual album book which is used to store alumni data. The alumni data at the Banyuwangi State Polytechnic is still kept in the form of an alumni album book. Data entered in printed form has many shortcomings, including the possibility of being damaged, lost, or not being able to be changed periodically. To overcome the above problems, making a Website-Based Alumni Book Application with the Laravel Framework is the right way to deal with these problems. With this alumni book application, users can store information data digitally and the data stored in this application can be updated regularly. The alumni book application provides a search feature that is used to quickly search alumni data and print alumni albums to print their own albums. In this alumni book application, users are given various kinds of information related to alumni. In addition, users can also view details of alumni annual albums from different graduating generations. Based on software testing carried out using the black box method, the Website-Based Alumni Book Application with the Laravel Framework which was tested at the Banyuwangi State Polytechnic has been in accordance with user needs and resulting the average for each page around 7MB

    Deteksi Marker Genetik dari Sekuen Protein Hewan untuk Autentikasi Halal Melalui Pendekatan Bioinformatika

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    Keamanan pangan berupa aspek halal menjadi kebutuhan primer bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Studi bioinformatika menawarkan pendekatan untuk analisis materi genetik organisme dari database yang telah tersedia secara luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan marker dari sekuens protein beberapa sampel kelompok mamamlia secara in silico dengan pendekatan bioinformatika. Pemilihan sampel urutan protein didasarkan pada protein yang telah banyak dilaporkan secara luas yaitu protein IGF2 (insulin like growth factor 2) dan CytB (cytochrome B). Analisis kekerabatan antar sampel menggunakan konstruksi pohon filogenetik berdasarkan sekuens protein sampel spesies mamalia halal yang dibandingkan dengan sampel mamalia non-halal seperti babi dan anjing. Tahap terakhir adalah analisis struktur dan sifat fisikokimia protein target untuk menentukan marker 'halal'. Analisis pohon filogenetik menunjukkan bahwa spesies babi menempati kelompok yang berbeda dengan mamalia yang umum dikonsumsi di Indonesia dan paling dekat hubungannya dengan spesies anjing. Prediksi sifat protein sampel memberikan informasi kesamaan titik isoelektrik dan karakteristik kelarutan antara sekuens protein spesies babi dan anjing. Dua blok penanda pada sekuen babi dan anjing dari protein IGF2 didapatkan dengan metode multiple sequence alignment berupa urutan YDTWKQSAQRLRRGLPALLRARRGR dan HGGASPEASG. Temuan tersebut dapat menjadi penanda baik secara struktur (urutan) maupun posisinya sebagai acuan dalam pengujian produk halal berbasis DNA, khususnya dengan metode PCR

    Implementation of Location Base Service Method Using WI-FI Network For Object Recognition at Museum

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    The museum that is currently being built is used as a place to manage existing historical objects, because real historical objects are easy to know when in the museum. The current management of the museum still uses a manual system, where visitors come to the museum and then see the historical objects in the museum. Nowadays, with the rapid development of the times, the use of advances in information can be used whenever and wherever the user is. Location-based services in museums can be used to develop object recognition systems implemented in museums. In this research, a Location Base Service (LBS) system will be created that uses an android application that is connected to a server to make it easier to study historical objects. The android device will transmit the current position signal received by the Access Point. The Android application functions as a viewer of nearby historical object description objects. When the user wants to observe a nearby historical object, the user will display a video about the object to introduce nearby objects. To support the Location Base Service (LBS) system, several Access Points to track users via wireless connected to Android devices


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    Abstrak: Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris ssangat dibutuhkan. Oleh karena itu pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kemudian masuk kedalam kurikulum Pendidikan Indonesia. SDN 5 Karangsari merupakan salah satu Sekolah yang mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris sebagai muatan lokal. Sayangnya, keterbatasan waktu membuat pembelajaran tidak maksimal, Padahal kemampuan Bahasa Inggris siswa masih dalam katerori rendah. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, tim pengabdian Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi menciptakan game yang dapat digunakan sebagai media belajar siswa diluar jam sekolah. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah menciptakan suatu media pembelajaran yang dapat membantu anak-anak belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menyenangkan dan fleksibel. Metode sosialisasi digunakan untuk memperkenalkan game ini kepada guru dan siswa. Mitra dari kegiatan ini adalah SDN 5 Karangsari. Evaluasi hasil digunakan setelah anak-anak menggunakan game tersebut. Sebelum penggunaan game, anak-anak diberikan pretest untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal mereka. Setelah menggunakan game ini, kemudian anak-anak diberikan post-test. Dari hasil post-test diketahui terjadi peningkatan kemampuan yang diperoleh siswa-siswa di SDN 5 Karangsari sebesar 80%.Abstract: Mastery of English is very much needed. Therefore, English language learning was incorporated into the Indonesian education curriculum. SDN 5 Karangsari is one of the schools that teaches English as a local content. Unfortunately, time constraints make learning not optimal, even though students' English skills are still in the low category. To overcome this problem, the Banyuwangi State Polytechnic service team created a game that can be used as a medium for students to learn outside of school hours. The purpose of this service activity is to create a learning media that can help children learn English in a fun and flexible way. The socialisation method is used to introduce this game to teachers and students. The partner of this activity is SDN 5 Karangsari. Outcome evaluation was used after the children used the game. Before using the game, the children were given a pretest to find out their initial ability. After using the game, the children were given a post-test. From the post-test results, it was found that there was an increase in the ability obtained by students at SDN 5 Karangsari by 80%.

    Vertical Take Off Landing (VTOL) Untuk Drop Kits Pada Quadcopter

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    A structure due to natural disasters often occurs in Indonesia, and this is caused by the location of Indonesia in the path of earthquakes and volcanoes. Logistics delivery in the form of medicines and food has been hampered, and this is acknowledged by the Indonesian government, which experienced many obstacles when it had to reach an isolated location due to land transportation lines being cut off. So it was designed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or drone that can deliver survival kits to some places that are isolated due to natural disasters autonomously. Flight orders will be made through the Mission Planner software, which is then sent to the drone using 433 MHz telemetries. Survival kits carried by drones will be dropped using a servo to a predetermined location. The work of Vertical Take-Off Landing (VTOL) for Drop Kits has successfully carried out a mission to deliver survival kits to 4 different locations in one flight. By using the 433 MHz Telemetry, the drone can travel a maximum distance of 120 meters in 5 minutes 10 seconds with a 9 Ah battery capacity

    Design and Optimization of Solar Panel Based on Sun Detector

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    Many factors cause people to be reluctant to apply solar panel technology as a source of renewable electrical energy, one of which is the efficiency level of solar panels which is still very low because the position of solar panels is generally facing in one direction. In this study, we designed a tool that can automatically drive the solar panel motor according to the comparison value obtained from the LDR sensor. There are four LDR sensors for comparison that are used as a reference tool to move towards the brightest light intensity. From this solar panel, the power will be stored in the battery which at the same time drives the motor so that the rays obtained are more optimal and faster for charging the battery. From the results of the research conducted, the energy efficiency in a day is 9 percent from normal conditions without using optimization. It is hoped that this tool can help the community to use alternative renewable energy sources that are more effective and efficient


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    Abstract. This community service aims to create an online information media about the web-based school environment at SMK 1 Glagah, located on Jl. Kuntulan No. 1 Banyuwangi, Banjarsari, Glagah District, Banyuwangi by utilizing virtual reality technology. This web-based system is in the form of a Virtual tour with several locations in SMKN 1 Glagah which is a combination of several 360 ° horizontal panoramic images. Implementation of community service is carried out by conducting field surveys, determining the location of points, taking panoramic images in each location, merging images as well as making a virtual tour, virtual tour trials on localhost & evaluation and continued with hosting & website publication. The web that can be accessed in https://jelajah.smkn1glagah.sch.id has 21 location points starting from the main page in front of the school to the location of the workshop department at SMKN 1 Glagah. The benefits of a virtual web tour are as a medium for introducing an online school environment to the public, especially for the prospective new students.Abstrak. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah media informasi daring mengenai lingkungan sekolah berbasis web di SMKN 1 Glagah yang berlokasi di Jl. Kuntulan No. 1 Banyuwangi, Banjarsari, Kecamatan Glagah, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan memanfaatkan teknologi virtual reality. Sistem berbasis web ini berupa Virtual tour dengan beberapa titik lokasi didalam SMKN 1 Glagah yang merupakan gabungan dari beberapa gambar panorama 360° horizontal. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan melakukan survei lapangan, penentuan titik lokasi, pengambilan gambar panorama disetiap lokasi, penggabungan gambar sekaligus pembuatan web virtual tour, percobaan virtual tour di localhost & evaluasi serta dilanjutkan dengan hosting & publikasi website. Web dengan domain jelajah.smkn1glagah.sch.id ini memiliki 21 titik lokasi mulai dari halaman utama yang berada di depan sekolah hingga lokasi bengkel jurusan di SMKN 1 Glagah. Manfaat Web virtual tour adalah sebagai media pengenalan lingkungan sekolah secara daring bagi masyarakat umum terutama calon peserta didik baru


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    Abstract. RIASEC is a psychological test method to map a person's personality into 6 criteria. In the implementation of the personality test at SMK Ihya Ulumuddin, currently it is still manual, namely by using a written test on paper media. Of course, this is less efficient because it takes a long time to process the results. In the implementation of this activity, we digitized from what was previously still using paper to be converted into a web-based RIASEC Test system that can be accessed by students anywhere so that they can study and take this test not having to be at school. For the implementation of this activity, at the beginning we discussed and surveyed with partners in making the system to be made. We then realized the results of this survey to create a RIASEC test web and after that we implemented it on partners. After the implementation is complete, we conduct trials and socialize the use of the application with partners and students. From the results of this activity, it was found that previously it took 7 days for the correction results, now the implementation only takes less than 1 hour and almost 100 percent of students like this latest test system. After this series of service activities, it is hoped that the costs incurred by the SMK for the test will decrease and can be optimized for other activities. Abstrak. RIASEC adalah salah satu metode tes psikologi untuk memetakan kepribadian seseorang menjadi 6 kriteria. Dalam pelaksanaan tes kepribadian di SMK Ihya Ulumuddin, saat ini masih manual yaitu dengan menggunakan tes tulis pada media kertas. Tentunya hal ini kurang efisien kerena memakan waktu yang cukup lama dalam proses pengolahan hasilnya. Pada pelaksanaan kegiatan ini, Kami melakukan digitalisasi dari yang sebelumnya masih menggunakan kertas untuk diubah menjadi sistem RIASEC Test berbasis web yang dapat diakses oleh siswa dimana saja sehingga mereka dapat mempelajari dan mengikuti test ini tidak harus ketika di sekolah.  Untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan ini, di awal kami berdiskusi dan survey dengan mitra dalam mebuat sistem yang akan dibuat. Hasil survey ini kmeudian kami realisasikan untuk membuat web RIASEC test dan setelah itu kami implementasikan pada mitra. Setelah implementasi selesai, Kami melakukan ujicoba dan sosialiasi penggunaan aplikasi dengan mitra dan siswa. Dari hasil kegiatan ini, didapatkan hasil bahwa sebelumnya menbutuhkan 7 hari untuk hasil koreksi, sekarang pelaksanaannya hanya membutuhkan waktu kurang dari 1 jam dan hamper 100 persen siswa menyukai sistem test terbaru ini. Setelah rangkaian kegiatan pengabdian ini, harapanya biaya yang dikeluarkan pihak SMK untuk test akan menurun dan dapat dioptimalkan untuk kegiatan lainnya. 

    Classification of Dragon Fruit Stem Diseases Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    A holticulture plant known as dragon fruit (pitaya) is a fruit that has many benefits and is widely cultivated by farmers in several areas of Banyuwangi. In dragon fruit plants there are various kinds of diseases that attack including red spot, stem rot, black rot, scab, and mosaic. Farmers still recognize diseases on dragon fruit stems manually so that sometimes there are errors in disease recognition. In this research, a system was developed to identify the types of diseases on dragon fruit stems. This system was built by proposing the Convolutional neural network method with the proposed architecture using the Python programming language with the Tensorflow, Keras, and Scikit-Learn libraries. The proposed system is tested using k-fold cross validation with tunning parameters fold = 5 and epoch = 5. The training results show that the highest accuracy performance value is 85.06% with the data used as test data as many as 191 images producing 147 correct data and 44 data wrong, while the average overall accuracy score was 76.43%.A holticulture plant known as dragon fruit (pitaya) is a fruit that has many benefits and is widely cultivated by farmers in several areas of Banyuwangi. In dragon fruit plants there are various kinds of diseases that attack including red spot, stem rot, black rot, scab, and mosaic. Farmers still recognize diseases on dragon fruit stems manually so that sometimes there are errors in disease recognition. In this research, a system was developed to identify the types of diseases on dragon fruit stems. This system was built by proposing the Convolutional neural network method with the proposed architecture using the Python programming language with the Tensorflow, Keras, and Scikit-Learn libraries. The proposed system is tested using k-fold cross validation with tunning parameters fold = 5 and epoch = 5. The training results show that the highest accuracy performance value is 85.06% with the data used as test data as many as 191 images producing 147 correct data and 44 data wrong, while the average overall accuracy score was 76.43%